Friday, August 13, 2010

Century House/ 235 Andover St. (Rt. 114)/Peabody, MA 01960

Unexcelled Food
Cajun Style Chicken Caesar 
Century House is one of those places that you went to with your grandparents as a child and wondered why in the world you grandparents liked such grandparent-like places.  If you walk into Century House on any given afternoon, many of the people sitting at the bar are the age your grandparents were when you used to go to these type of places with them.  And if you can find a seat at the bar on a Tuesday at 1:30 (you heard that right) your love for them will only grow whether or not they are still with you.  This place is...unique.  If you like a good stiff drink or four with your lunch, there are few places on the North Shore that are better than here.  The three martini lunch is alive and well here.  They also happen to have one helluva good lunch menu.  Unexcelled is not a word the last time I checked, but a place like this has the right to create its own words when they pertain to food.  Everyday is a difficult day to find a seat at the bar here, but Tuesday is arguably the most popular because of the $13 cut of prime rib.  The pictures here don't really do justice as to how much food you are provided with.  The "Regular Cut" of prime rib on this day was upwards of 20 ozs.  That's not a fluke here.  And if it were big and bad then it would not at all be worth mentioning.  This is old school write-home-about-it type prime rib.  The potatoes are big and perfectly cooked.  The coleslaw is good enough to order instead of whatever veg may me on tap, and the Caesar is formidable, especially with the "Cajun Style" chicken on top (although that is definitely a meal in itself).  This is a place that is hard to leave because the drinks are so generous.  Just be prepared to wait for a seat for 10 or so minutes if you want the full afternoon bar/lunch experience.

"Regular Cut" Prime Rib
Baked Potato and Coleslaw

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